Ralph and Friends!

I had the best time performing in Naples with my dear friend The Ivories Guy Ralph Krumins ! I also got to play with fearless improv up and comer Ricky Shafer and Chicago smoke show Suzanne Sole ! A Big thank you to Scott Lilly and Studio Players for having me! Can’t wait to do it again with all of you!


Miami Improv Festival 2023

Another great festival with amazing people! #mif23 kicked it off right with a great Thursday night lineup!

Some shots from my solo set at MIF! I did a 35 min Kung Fu movie with 4 main characters and probably 10 different henchmen/supporting characters. EVERYBODY was Kung Fu fighting! Those kicks were…pretty low, I’m not gunna lie. Photos edited by Ferdi Rodriguez and photography by Joe Hennig! Thank you!

I’m Funny, Now What?


Dear Funny Future Comedian,

I’m glad to hear you’re funny! Having a sense of humor and the ability to make people laugh is a great quality to have, and it can definitely be an asset in the world of comedy.

But if you’re truly passionate about comedy and willing to put in the work, you can succeed.

Tips for Comedy Novices:

  1. funnyDevelop your skills: Whether it’s stand-up, improv, or writing, it’s important to develop your comedy skills and figure out what you’re good at. This might involve taking classes, workshops, or open mics, or simply spending time writing and practicing your material. The more you work on your craft, the better you’ll become.
  2. Find your voice: Comedy is all about being unique and finding your own voice. Don’t be afraid to be yourself and explore what makes you funny. Experiment with different styles and types of material to see what works best for you.
  3. Be persistent: As mentioned earlier, getting into comedy can be tough, and it’s not uncommon to face rejection. Don’t be discouraged by setbacks – instead, use them as opportunities to learn and improve. Keep working on your craft and never give up on your dreams.
  4. Network and get involved: The comedy world is all about connections, so make an effort to meet other comedians and get involved in the community. This might involve going to open mics, joining comedy groups or organizations, or simply chatting with other comedians at shows. The more people you know, the more opportunities you’ll have.

Use your Funny

In conclusion, if you’re truly passionate about comedy and willing to put in the work, there is no reason why you can’t succeed. Keep developing your skills, find your voice, and never give up on your dreams. With hard work and dedication, you can achieve your goals and make a career in comedy.

Want help in your journey? Take some of our classes to hone your funny bone.


Improv U

Slow Down

Don’t think about your improv scenes as something you have to get through as quickly as possible. Your improv scene isn’t an obstacle course. It’s a hiking trail. Think about your improv scenes as a nice leisurely walk and you might just find yourself enjoying and discovering more than you ever thought possible.


See the video to learn more.

Stand Up Comedy Classes Through Improv

Improv is created spontaneously by performers. It can lead to hilarious and unplanned moments. However, improv is not just limited to the stage – it can also be a valuable tool for stand-up comedians. Sign up for stand up comedy classes based in improv for a new perspective.

Benefits of Improv in Stand Up Comedy Classes

Learning improv can benefit stand-up comedians in a number of ways. One of the main benefits is that it helps comedians think on their feet and be more spontaneous on stage. Stand-up comedy often requires quick thinking and the ability to think of clever comebacks or responses to unexpected situations. Improv training can help comedians develop these skills by forcing them to think quickly and come up with ideas on the spot.

Another benefit of learning improv is that it can help comedians build confidence on stage. Improv requires performers to be present and in the moment, which can help comedians feel more comfortable and confident when performing stand-up. In addition, improv can help comedians learn how to handle audience reactions, such as laughter or silence, and adjust their performance accordingly.

Improv can also be helpful for developing new material. Many stand-up comedians start by telling jokes that they have written beforehand, but improv can help comedians come up with new ideas and perspectives that they may not have thought of otherwise. Improv games and exercises can help comedians brainstorm and think creatively, leading to fresh, original material for their stand-up sets.

In addition, learning improv can also be a fun and enjoyable way to improve as a stand-up comedian. Improv classes and workshops can provide a supportive and collaborative environment where comedians can practice their skills and receive feedback from their peers. This can be a great way to build relationships with other comedians and learn from each other.

Start Classes Now

If you’re a stand-up comedian looking to improve your craft, consider taking an improv class. Whether you’re just starting out or you’re a seasoned pro, there is always room to grow and learn. Improv can help you think on your feet, build confidence, develop new material, and have fun in the process. We offer virtual and in person classes. See the full schedule.